13 Nov

Life is a journey and the path-way changes from experience-to-experience, and year-by-year.To be inspired on this journey takes passion, courage and compassion, but to inspire others and give back to them is to be fully human.

To become fully human is to let down the barriers, to open up. And to discover that every person is beautiful. Under all the jobs they're doing, their responsibilities, there is you. ... So to be fully human is the development of the heart and the head, and then we can become one.
Let me introduce you to one of those humans and her journey.

[insert epic entrance drum roll] 🥁

Do you remember Tamsyn Reynolds, the woman who shared her story of her near 'cellphone' robbery experience? You may remember the line 'Sweetie.. I wasn't here for the Spinach.' You may also remember thinking to yourself, wow! That was brave, to have stood up to those women like that and demanded your belongings be returned...
Tamsyn's story, like all of ours, was a winding road to enable her to get the point of knowing that what she had created for herself in this life truly belonged to her, and she was not about to let someone take it from her! 

I first met Tamsyn when she did a “Pay-it-forward” initiative to give back to her community with a make-over for a mom and entrepreneur, like herself. 

[Read the original article here]

Giving back without expectation is a great quality, and will always be rewarded. 

Tamsyn then contacted me a few weeks ago to share the story of her personal journey to becoming a stylist and business owner of Hello Hair Fourways  in the awakening of her newly rebranded salon.

Well, I arrived at her renovated Salon, and what a magnificent sight [pop on your hard hat 👷🏻‍♀️ and get your 🛠️ tool belt ready]… it’s cosy, yet sophisticated and screams of Tamsyn’s vivacious personality… a complete treat for the senses.

As part of this incredible Salon refresh, Tamsyn has two further innovative offerings, which set her salon apart from others...
Firstly, offering a tiered pricing structure. Yes, that's right!!!
After a global pandemic of such magnitude we're all trying to budget as best we can and Tamsyn is offering tiered pricing to suit your budget and definitely no compromise on quality. Her new tiered price list is at the end of this article.

Her second offer is an extension of her "Pay-it-forward" initiative. 

The first month will have two worthy recipients. She is calling for you to nominate a Gent or a Lady who you feel is in alignment with her journey. Someone who is on the precipice of something incredible, owning who they are, and making the most of an opportunity to create a future using every moment to its fullest.  Let Tamsyn and her team offer them a make-over to give them the confidence and boost they need to persevere on their voyage to success.

Watch out for her post calling for nominees!

I cannot reiterate enough how important it is to support those who support our community, no matter how big or small that contribution is. It’s a small thought… which creates a butterfly effect… and can change the whole world 🌍

As you read Tamsyn's story, my hope is that you be inspired to give everything of yourself in all that you do, but don't stop there! Stand up for what you believe in, voice your opinion and if you feel threatened in any way or treated unfairly, find your courage and act! 

I don’t want to give away too much 😉  SO, grab a ☕  cup of tea… sit back and relax and enjoy the full story in Tamsyn’s own words, and prepare to be WOW’d. 

Read Tamsyn's full story...

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